Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Swimming accident

I hit my elbow going down a slide with my grandson.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The accident

This is the love kiss I gave this trailer with my trailer.  Big oops.

It was a stupid accident.  I should of been more careful.

We have been driving for about 2 months now.  We have been back and forth across the US many times.  It's amazing how beautiful America is.  With one exception. I 80 in Wyoming.  When the wind blows it wants to throw you off the road.  The ice on the roads is terrible.  For the past few months we have been driving a red England truck.  This is our truck at the rest stop.  A lot of people tell us they look for us in the big trucks.  We will be in a truck that has a trailer that has CR England written on the side.  Randy is in AZ today getting surgery on his hand and when he is better he will pick out a truck for us to buy.  When he gets it I will be able to tell you the color and truck number then you all can find us on the road.
At the worlds largest truck stop in Iowa.  They have everything there.
They have 2 semi's in the building
I don't have any idea where this is at.
This is what was left after we sold everything.  We also have our truck and RV.  We live out of the RV at England parking lot.

This is Blue Moon ice cream only to be found in Wisconsin

Everyone asks us how we like driving.  We like it.  Sometimes we look at each other and can't believe we are doing this and like it.  I guess we are just weird.  It's fun to see all the country.  It's nice if you loose something you have such a small area to find it in.  Our luxury item is a port-a-potty.  That has saved us many a time.  You get to meet lots of different people.  You learn lots of new words not spoken in Utah.....for example..... oh never mind.  I can just say this and not get into to much trouble.  "Me and my old man enjoy being together."  The worst thing about trucking for me is, well there is 2. #1 is diarrhea. #2 is backing up.  I will try and be better about updating my blog.  We have been really busy.